Selasa, 23 April 2013

old friend

suddenly miss this old friend. 
She was a very close friend since elementary school 'til junior high school. I told her everything. Well, not every, every thing, but most of the things, yes I told her.
I remember when I slept at her room and we talked a lot. From school to boys. Friends to enemies. A to Z. 
Of course we also had a fight. Big fight. The first and the last. Caused by a small things but ended with no talked to each other for almost 6 months. SIX MONTHS??? Friendship's over??

No, not yet!!

As the time goes by, we started to say "hi" or "any homework?" and "bye". Seemed total awkward, but at least we tried to fix the broken friendship and, it worked. 
After that, thought that this friendship will be "until death separate us" or "no matter what happen we'll be friends forever".

I was wrong.

 She was easy to find, too easy to leave and possible to forget.

One year after, we moved to different cities. At the same time. I moved to J and she moved to M. I find new friends, so does she. 
 Two years later, we met. We lost the connection. 
Every two years, we met again, except last year. I realize, now we're only "say hi" friends. 

Yesterday, I said how are you on Facebook. She answered, fine. 

Ok, I'm fine too. 

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