Senin, 21 April 2014

Agama lain? Cari tau aja dulu.

Dulu pas pelajaran agama di SMA gue belajar juga tentang agama-agama lain, Islam, Budha, Konghucu dan Hindu, dasar-dasarnya aja sih. Waktu itu sih santai-santai aja. Belajar, ya belajar aja. Malah gue merasa keren, bisa pamer ke teman yang muslim kalo  gue hafal isi rukun islam :D

Pagi ini gue bertanya-tanya, mungkin gak sih ada pemeluk-pemeluk agama tertentu tidak bisa bertoleransi terhadap agama lain karena tidak tau apa / bagaimana itu Islam, Kristen, Budha dan Hindu, dll. Gue pribadi, karena pernah belajar jadi gue mengerti kalau setiap agama memiliki kebaikan, meskipun tentu saja ada perbedaan-perbedaan. 

Pelajaran kewarganegaraan memang mengajarkan toleransi antar agama. Tapi apakah itu cukup? Bagaimana gue bisa bertoleransi kalau semua yang gue ketahui tentang (penganut) agama x hanya yang buruk-buruk? Daripada fokus pada satu agama kenapa waktu gue SD/SMP pendidikan/ sekolah tidak memperkenalkan gue dengan agama lain selain Katolik? Okelah, gue tau ada 6 agama yang diakui di Indonesia. Tetapi bukankah lebih baik kalo gue tau sedikit tentang mereka? At least, gue tidak akan menghakimi agama x tidak baik, agama y kurang baik. agama z baik banget karena gue pernah belajar kalo semuanya itu memang baik. Lepas dari definisi baik yang memang relatif, tapi gue percaya ada hal-hal baik yang sifatnya universal. 

Di kampung gue, di Sumatera, se kecamatan semuanya Kristen. Televisi juga masih sangat jarang waktu itu. Agama lain yang pertama kali gue kenal adalah agama Islam. Jadi, pas kelas 1 SMP, ada keluarga polisi tugas di kecamatan. Kebetulan mereka memeluk agama Islam. Pas anaknya masuk sekolah, gue langsung cari tau. Gak pernah ngobrol langsung sih. Cuma curi-curi pandang. Nah yang membuat gue penasaran bukan, seperti apa mukanya anak baru itu?, bukan ini. Tapi, seperti apa sih orang Islam itu? Pas lihat langsung, gue kecewa. Ternyata sama saja. Orang-orang juga.

Perlakukan agama selain agamamu seperti gebetan (??)  kepoin aja dari A-Z, kalo bagus bolehlah diambil. Googling, baca buku, ngobrol, dll. 

Siapa sih yang tau Tuhan? Bisa aja yang kita pikir benar, ternyata Tuhan bilang tidak benar. Yang kita lihat di dunia ini kan orang/manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan. Paling tidak baik-baik sama mereka  ajalah dulu.

Selasa, 01 April 2014

The most dramatic drama is you

this story will be awarded as the most dramatic drama I ever had in my entire life, I guess.

This is started when last month an old friend, who called himself as my bestfriend, from JHS came to Jakarta. we'd like to see each other then we arranged a meeting. So, an appointment at 4 pm was made.
Unfortunately I was late. an hour late.
me: why? 
other me: because I took the wrong bus.
me: how old am I?
other me: 23 y.o.
me: How long have I been in (near) Jakarta?
other me: almost 10 years.
me: But still don't recognize the bus, the route, etc?
other me: Nope, they are all confusing.
me: I am done with you.
other me: Thanks.


.... He said, he still had another plans. He had to go somewhere to see his other friends or family, I don't know and don't care. So, since I came late we should postpone the meeting schedule to the next day. I said yes, "that's Ok. Tomorrow I'm free so it will be perfect."

But then, something always happen. His mom asked him to go to another city, to visit their family. so, eventually I couldn't see him at all.

I was so sorry. I apologized to him and myself because I felt guilty since the main reason we couldn't see each other is me.

Time flies. syalala ~~~

until last week, I met his friend. Also a really old friend of mine. So. I told him everything and the truth was revealed. The old friend, who called himself as my bestfriend, didn't go to Cengkareng or anywhere. Instead, they're hang out TOGETHER 30 minutes after the appointment was cancelled. I was fooled.

" When you said you wanted to go to Cengkareng, you didn't, right?" message sent.
message received "I want to"
"yeah, you want, but you didn't" message sent
message received "yes, I didn't go there"

just it, no sorry at all. 

He didn't say any word about that. At least this old friend must inform me that he didn't go to Cengkareng or anywhere else. I mean, if he told me, I won't felt guilty anymore.

So last night I sent him a message, "don't you think you owe me an apologize?"
This morning, he answered, no. He really thinks he didn't do anything wrong.

And this drama just popped out.
"I don't know rin. I think everything has changed since you asked ( about Cengkareng things). Because, I am sure in your mind I am nothing but liar. I don't feel the same about this (best)friendship anymore.  I thought we already know each other, but I was wrong. There are a huge gap between us. Just forget everything. You're on your own"


 I was like, WOW, such a drama queen. I laughed and laughed.  I was speechless, actually. This is toooooooo faaaaarrrrrr. So, after message by message, I came to this conclusion, " this is ridiculous. the most dramatic drama in my entire life. Well I'll see you when I see you" message sent.