Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Life is tough.
Life is hard.
Expecting life would be easy? 
you better wake up and start to live the real life.

I mean,

problems and troubles
shit, life is not life without them 
just like spongebob said, "no clean without dirt"

if problems do not exist i guess, i'll never taste the beauty, the joy, the satisfaction of being life.

you will not understand how great is the feeling of letting go if the bastard you think you like didn't come and ruin your life.
how beautiful is it, when finally you are able to share the darkest part of your life to the world. so relieved.

sound naive?


everyone, every single person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Because that is one of hundred signs indicating you are still alive. Survive. But don't just survive, live your life.

look, my fault is sometimes i wonder too much, way too much. 
that's not good. it's not okay. 

see you when i see you.

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